Tucson, Arizona: Pueblo teacher comes forward on grade changing

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    Pueblo teacher comes forward on grade changing

    A new twist to our investigation into claims of illegal grade changing at T-U-S-D high school. Sources told us in June that a Pueblo High School administrator changed seniors grades without a teacher's approval so they could graduate. After our report aired the principal quickly turned to social media to deny it, And now the teacher -- whose grades were changed -- has come forward on camera to explain what really happened. 246 seniors received their diplomas exceeding Principal Auggie Romero's goal of 235. “Which bring the graduation rate to 84%,” said Romero. Now a questionable claim. Yolanda Sotelo told ...

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