South Carolina school district bought spy cameras and falsified records. Its leader kept her job.

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Apr 17, 2021.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    It must really suck to be a South Carolina taxpayer!

    5 named:

    SC school district bought spy cameras and falsified records. Its leader kept her job.
    Under Superintendent Wanda Andrews, the Lee County School District installed spy cameras in employees’ offices and falsified state-mandated reports. An investigation turned up evidence so compelling that the state Department of Education and an independent reviewer said she deserved to be taken off the job. Yet the panel that oversees South Carolina educators allowed her to stay put with little consequence. And her bosses on the local school board rejected calls for her removal. Andrews’ disciplinary case shows how superintendents in South Carolina can avoid the kinds of punishment that are routinely handed down to the state’s front-line teachers. Andrews ...

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    [google]SC school district bought spy cameras and falsified records. Its leader kept her job.[/google]
    Wanda Andrews, Lee County School District, Bishopville, South Carolina, Barbara Champagne, Clarendon School District 1, Summerton, Tiniece Javis, Vance Jones, Sanya Moses
  2. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    UNCOVERED: Spy cameras, falsified records in school district

    Under Superintendent Wanda Andrews, the Lee County School District installed spy cameras in employees’ offices and falsified state-mandated reports. An investigation turned up evidence so compelling that the state Department of Education and an independent reviewer said she deserved to be taken off the job. Yet the panel that oversees South Carolina educators allowed her to stay put with little consequence. And her bosses on the local school board rejected calls for her removal. Andrews’ disciplinary case shows how superintendents in South Carolina can avoid the kinds of punishment that are routinely handed down to the state’s front-line teachers. Andrews ...

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    [google]UNCOVERED: Spy cameras, falsified records in school district[/google]