South Carolina: Close the 'school to prison pipeline'

Discussion in 'Police, Jailers, Prison Guards, Firefighters, etc.' started by News Readers, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    Close the 'school to prison pipeline'

    Maintaining discipline in the classroom can be a challenge for any teacher. And few things can harm other students’ ability to focus and learn more than a particularly disruptive classmate. That much is clear. But it’s far less clear when disruptive behavior crosses the line from a disciplinary infraction to a crime worthy of prosecution by the juvenile justice system. Resolving that confusion is in part the goal of a bill in the S.C. House that would, among other things, form a joint committee to investigate and make recommendations regarding the so-called “schoolhouse to jailhouse pipeline.” That “pipeline” is unfortunately ...

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