Laura Cowan, 34, teacher at Tipton High School, Tipton Public Schools, Tipton, Oklahoma, "admitted having sex in her classroom with a high school student ... also admitted to having sex with another un-named high school student" Teacher charged with rape Former Tipton Public Schools teacher, Laura Cowan, has been formally charged with three counts of Rape in the Second Degree according to court records filed in Tillman County. The affidavit prepared on July 21, and filed on July 23 in the Tillman County District Court, documents an interview that Tipton Police had with Cowan. “The document states that she admitted having sex in her classroom with a high school student (name withheld).” The affidavit further states, “Cowan also described having sex with (the same student) in her car, in the country outside of Tipton, during spring break 2014.” The affidavit was prepared by Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) agent David Sadler who has been a certified police officer in the state of Oklahoma since 1988. The Frederick Press-Leader has obtained a copy of the Affidavit which further states that Cowan also admitted to having sex with another un-named high school student in January 2014, in a Frederick motel and in her car outside Tipton. OSBI agent Sadler further documented, “Both students verified that they did have sex with Cowan when they were students at Tipton High School.” Continue reading... Tags:
Former Tipton teacher admits to inappropriate relations with students 31 July 2014 Laura Cowan admitted to Tipton police that she had sex with a student in her classroom and again in her car in the country during spring break. In January, she says she had sex with another student in a Frederick motel and again in her car. It was back in April when the school district got in touch with authorities to investigate the inappropriate relations. Both students verified that they did have sex with Cowan when they were students at Tipton High School.
Unwanted lesson: Oklahoma teacher faces charges of sex with student 17 Aug 2014 In nearby Tillman County, authorities recently charged another teacher with three counts of second-degree rape involving a student. Laura Cowan, who started teaching in 2010 and most recently worked at Tipton Public Schools, resigned April 15. Cowan, 34, was arrested and charged July 23. She has since been released on a $150,000 bond. Investigators say she admitted to having sex with two of her Tipton High School students in various locations, including in her classroom, in her car and in a motel room in Frederick. Cowan could not be reached. Her attorney declined comment.
Former high school teacher charged with rape 'for having sex with at least two students including in her classroom' Laura Cowan, 35, charged with three counts of rape Former teacher at Tipton Public Schools in Oklahoma admitted to having sex with two students in various locations Case against her was dropped in December, but a judge allowed prosecutors to refile charges A former Oklahoma teacher has been charged with rape for allegedly having sex with at least two of her students last year. Laura Cowan, 35, of Frederick, was charged last Wednesday with three counts of second degree rape. The same charges were filed against the former Tipton Public Schools educator last July, but in early December a judge threw out the case against Cowan after key witnesses could not be found by the prosecution. Continue reading...
Trial date set for former teacher accused of inappropriate relations FREDERICK, OK (KSWO) -A trial date has been set for the former Tipton teacher accused of having sexual relations with two students. Laura Cowan is charged with three counts of second-degree rape after police say she admitted to having sex with two students ... Continue reading...
February 10, 2016 Former Tipton Public Schools teacher, Laura Cowan, is scheduled for a jury trial beginning March 15, 2016. As previously reported, Cowan was accused of sexual misconduct with two of her students. She was charged with three counts of Rape in the Second Degree in July of 2014. The charges were then dismissed in Dec. of 2014 because the Tillman County Assistant District Attorney, Deanna Hansell reported, she was unable to locate the two witnesses/victims. Hansell explained the accused,” Has the right to face her accusers.” Early in 2015, the charges were refiled as the A.D.A. was able to locate the two witnesses according to court records filed in Tillman County. Cowan is represented by Attorney Ken Sue Doerfel of Lawton.
03/10/2016 FREDERICK - A jury trial that was set to begin Tuesday has been stricken from the docket for a former Tipton High School teacher accused of having sexual relationships with students. The trial for Laura Cowan, 36, of Frederick was stricken by request of her attorney, Ken Sue Doerfel of Lawton. A status date for Cowan has been scheduled for 10 a.m. May 6 in Tillman County District Court. Cowan is charged with three counts of second-degree rape. She was originally charged in July 2014, several months after she resigned as a teacher in the Tipton school district. The charges were dropped following a preliminary hearing Dec. 9, 2014, after two witnesses failed to appear for the second time following issuance of subpoenas on Nov. 24 and Dec. 5 of 2014. Charges were re-filed Jan. 21, 2015 after those witnesses responded to subpoenas. Cowan had voluntarily resigned from her teaching position during the 2013-2014 school year after district officials were informed that she violated the district's social media policy.
Former Teacher Charged With Rape Will Have to Wait for Sentencing A former Tipton High School teacher charged with raping two students will have to wait a little longer to learn her fate. 36-year-old Laura Cowan plead no contest to the charges in October. She resigned from her teaching position in Tillman County in 2014. Continue reading...
Note name misspelled in this article. In all earlier reports it was spelled "Cowan". Teacher accused of rape sentenced The sentencing hearing for Laura Cowen was held Feb. 17 with Judge Norm Russell presiding. Cowen was charged with two counts of rape in the second degree in 2013. She was represented by defense attorney Ken Sue Doerfel of Lawton. Cowen was a teacher in the Tipton School district when she had relationships with two male students who were both seniors at the time. She pleaded no contest at a previous hearing. The assistant district attorney recommended a sentence of 10 years for each count with five years suspended, a $500 fine for each count, 12 months of supervision upon ... Continue reading...