Joshua Taylor (Weirton, West Virginia), 30, gym teacher at Collins Middle School, Fayette County Schools, Oak Hill, West Virginia, "felony kidnapping charge in connection with the disappearance of a 13-year-old" WVVA: Accused Kidnapper Captured (Jan 20 2014) Joshua Taylor of Weirton was arrested in St. Mary's around 4p.m. He was wanted on felony kidnapping charges. According to state police, Taylor kidnapped a 13-year-old juvenile in Oak Hill on Saturday night. The teen was found on Sunday and returned to her family. Tags:
WVNS TV: CAPTURED: State Police have Josh Taylor in custody (Jan 20 2014) At a news conference in Oak Hill on Monday, Jan. 20, Troopers said that Taylor met 13-year-old Gabriela Messer behind her house on Saturday night. That sparked a missing person report. Gabby Messer was found and returned to her family 22 hours later. During a news conference, Troopers said she showed back up at a friend's house at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, but contacted her family at 4 p.m. Troopers said Taylor took Messer to a friend of his' house in Beckley during the time that she was declared missing.
The kidnap victim (apparently no sex involved, otherwise the news reports would have been sanitized by now): Gabriela "Gabby" Messer
WOAY: UPDATE: Kidnapping suspect in custody (Jan 20 2014) According to a statement to authorities, the girl says she willingly met with Taylor behind her house on Summerlee Rd. Saturday night, but did not intend to get in the car with him. Police say Taylor took the girl to his friend’s house in Beckley where she says she was too scared to try to escape. Authorities are still investigating what happened at that house.Trooper C.L. Mollohan of the West Virginia State Police is assigned to the case, and he says the girl was missing for about 22 hours until Taylor dropped her off in Oak Hill Sunday morning. “(It was) not quite a full day, but she was actually brought back over here to a friend's house at 10:30 in the morning, but she didn't contact anyone – she said she was scared – until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.”
News Center: UPDATE: Oak Hill Man Arrested, Charged With Kidnapping In St. Marys (Jan 20 2014) According to one source, Josh Taylor, a gym teacher from Oak Hill, West Virginia, took off with 13-year-old Gabby Messer, also of Oak Hill Saturday evening. Media outlets report Messer has been found but the search continues for Taylor. His car was reportedly found in Parkersburg but officials are saying cell phone records track Taylor to Pleasants County, where authorities are looking for him.
Register-Herald: Fayette teacher charged in teen’s disappearance (Jan 21 2014) The child was returned home Sunday afternoon after going missing for nearly 22 hours. Troopers stated that she went missing just after 6 p.m. Saturday after Taylor allegedly met the youth behind her home and then drove the child off of the property in his vehicle. Trooper Cavin Mollohan, of the Oak Hill State Police detachment, said the child returned safely to a friend’s house at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, but did not contact her family until 4 p.m. because “she was scared.” Many details are still unknown at this time, but Mollohan said the girl was uninjured and had not been sexually assaulted. The extent of Taylor’s relationship with the child is still being determined.
WVVA: Fayette Teacher Arrested, Charged with Kidnapping (Jan 22 2014) Police were led to Joshua Taylor through the girl's iPad. According to the criminal complaint she contacted Taylor after having a fight with her brother. Police say the Collins Middle School teacher picked up the teen on Saturday near her home. She contacted her father the next day and he picked her up at a home in Oak Hill. According to Taylor's wife, He did not return home Saturday. Taylor told his wife that his car was stuck in the snow at a friends house in Raleigh County.
Fayetteville Tribune: Collins gym teacher arrested on felony kidnapping charge (Jan 22 2014) Troopers said that she went missing just after 6 p.m. Saturday after [Joshua] Taylor allegedly met the youth behind her home and then drove the child off the property in his vehicle. Trooper Cavin Mollohan of the Oak Hill State Police detachment said the child returned safely to a friend’s house at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, but did not contact her family until 4 p.m. because “she was scared.” Many details are still unknown at this time, but Mollohan said the girl was uninjured and had not been sexually assaulted ... Troopers and deputies observed Taylor walking down a street in the St. Marys area around 4 p.m. Monday. He was apprehended and arraigned in Pleasants County to await a preliminary hearing.