Jeremy Nevis, 25 (born July 4 1988), substitute teacher for the San Juan Unified School District, Carmichael, California, "accused of multiple counts of sexual assault against an underaged girl" CBS Local Sacramento: Substitute Teacher Accused Of Sexual Assault After CHP Pulls Over Alleged Victim (Sept 24 2013) The CHP won’t say what made the officer suspicious after they pulled over the teenage victim early on Monday. “Every stop is always different,” said CHP Officer Sean Kennedy. But whatever she said, and whatever the officer saw was not enough to jumpstart the investigation ... Nevis’ roommate says officers came knocking on his door Monday afternoon, accusing the substitute teacher of multiple counts of sexual assault against an underage girl. “I haven’t talked to him since he was arrested,” the roommate who didn’t give his name said. “I really don’t know what is true and what is not and even what that looks like.” Tags: