Gregory Aaron Uvalles (Watsonville, California), 22, volunteer assistant cheerleading coach at Monterey High School, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District, Monterey, California, "charges of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, and distributing harmful matter to a minor" Also coaches for Riptide All Stars, 3 Rossi Circle, Suite G, Salinas, California: Monterey, California, Police Department: Monterey High School Coach Arrested [Press Release] (Sept 11 2013) On September 10, 2013, at 6:15 PM, the Monterey Police Department arrested Gregory Uvalles, a 22 year old male from Watsonville, for unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and distributing harmful matter to a minor. The arrest stemmed from an investigation earlier in the day after allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced at Monterey High School, where Uvalles volunteered as an Assistant Cheerleading Coach.There are currently three known victims, all juveniles, and the investigation is continuing as to whether or not there are other victims. In order to protect the privacy of the victims, no further information will be released. Uvalles was booked at the Monterey County Jail on four counts of 261.5(d) PC, unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and two counts of 288.2(b) (2) PC, distributing harmful matter to a minor. He is being held in lieu of $200,000 bail. Uvalle’s photograph is not being released at this time.Tags:
KSBW: Monterey High School cheerleading coach arrested: Gregory Uvalles accused of having sex with minors (Sept 11 2013) The arrest came after an investigation of sexual misconduct allegations at the school, where the coach, Gregory Uvalles, 22, volunteers. Police said there are three known victims, at least one of whom went to Monterey High School ... Uvalles is being held at the Monterey County Jail on $200,000 bail. NBC News: Monterey High School cheerleading coach arrested (Sept 11 2013)
KION: Monterey High School Volunteer Cheer Coach Arrested For Having Sex With Minors (Sept 11 2013) Police arrested Gregory Uvalles, 22, of Watsonville for having sex with three minors. Uvalles was arrested Tuesday night around 6:15 p.m. The arrest came after an investigation earlier that day after allegations of the sexual misconduct surfaced at the school ... Police say right now there are three known victims, all of which are underage. Officers have not said whether the victims involved were students at Monterey High School.
Monterey Herald: Monterey High School volunteer cheerleading coach arrested on sex charges (Sept 11 2013) Gregory Aaron Uvalles, 22, of Watsonville was arrested late Tuesday in the Monterey High School parking lot, said Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Assistant Superintendent Kevin McClelland. McClelland said authorities at the school learned of an allegation involving one student and after an internal investigation, the school alerted Monterey police. Monterey police Lt. Leslie Sonné said in a statement that her department began its investigation early Tuesday and had identified three alleged victims. McClelland said Monterey High officials only knew of one, but noted that Uvalles had also coached at a private gym in Salinas. Santa Cruz Sentinel: Monterey High School volunteer cheerleading coach arrested on sex charges (Sept 11 2013)
Monterey County Weekly: Monterey High School Volunteer Cheerleading Coach Arrested, Accused of Sex With Minor (Sept 11 2013) Gregory Uvalles, 22, was arrested Tuesday following an investigation earlier that day regarding allegations of sexual misconduct, police say. He was booked at Monterey County Jail on four counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and two counts of distributing harmful matter to a minor. Police say they've discovered three victims so far ... Uvalles, who volunteered as the school's assistant cheerleading coach, is being held on $200,000 bail.