Edwin Klemm (1113 Howard St., St. Charles, Illinois), 43, English teacher and former speech team coach at Wheaton North High School, Community Unit School District 200, Wheaton, Illinois, "charged with 11 counts of criminal sexual assault" Daily Herald: Wheaton North teacher charged with sex abuse (Mar 20 2013) A longtime English teacher and former coach of the Wheaton North High School speech team had more than a dozen sexual encounters with a female student, including at school and at his home in St. Charles, prosecutors said. Edwin Klemm, 43, of the 1100 block of Howard Street, was jailed on $600,000 bail after being charged with 11 counts of criminal sexual assault.... the parents of the victim, who is now 18, recently came forward with allegations of inappropriate sexual contact after finding a love letter Klemm had written the girl. She said the relationship took place between February and November 2011 when the victim was 16 and 17 and a junior and senior at Wheaton North. The pair had sexual encounters at the school, including in a classroom across from Klemm's, the teacher's home, a parking garage and in Klemm's vehicle in various locations across DuPage County, O'Hallaren said. About a dozen encounters happened in Klemm's house when his wife and daughter were gone, and possibly once while his daughter was home, according to prosecutors. The two also met in a parking lot before school, authorities said. Tags:
NBC Chicago: Wheaton Teacher Accused of Sexual Relationship With Student (Mar 20 2013) Edwin Klemm, 43, was arrested this week and charged with 11 counts of criminal sexual assault. The high school English teacher and speech coach allegedly had a relationship with a female student from her junior year through her senior year in 2011. Officials said the student, now 18 and a college student, was a member of Klemm's speech team. She confessed to the relationship after her parents found a love letter from Klemm, officials said. Sexual acts allegedly took place in a classroom at Wheaton North, at his home in St. Charles, at an AMC theater in Chicago and his vehicle. NBC News: Wheaton Teacher Accused of Sex With Student (Mar 20 2013)
My Surburban Life: Wheaton North teacher charged with sexual assault of former student (Mar 20 2013) It is alleged that between February and November 2011, [Edwin] Klemm sexually assaulted a 16-year-old female student multiple times at various locations, including movie theaters, his vehicle, a classroom and his house while his daughter was home, according to officials.The student's parents contacted the DuPage County Children's Center after finding a love letter Klemm had allegedly written to the teenager, the release reads. The center opened an investigation into the accusations.
WGN TV: Teacher arrested after sexual relationship with student discovered (Mar 21 2013) 43-year-old Edwin Klemm, an English teacher and former speech coach at Wheaton North High School is charged with with 11 counts of criminal sexual assault. Bond was set at $600,000. Assistant State’s Atty. Ann Celine O’Hallaren told the Chicago Tribune that the girl, who was 16 at the time, told investigators that she and Klemm engaged in sex acts in school classrooms, at his residence when his wife and daughter were not home and in his vehicle. The student ended the relationship in November 2011. Her parents recently discovered a love letter that Klemm had written to the student, which prompted the investigation, O’Hallaren said.
Wheaton Patch: Prosecutors: Wheaton North Teacher Met Student At Home 10 to 12 Times (Mar 25 2013) The sexual relationship between a Wheaton North High School teacher and student involved more than 13 different encounters in various places, DuPage county prosecutors said. At least 10 of those encounters took place in the St. Charles home of Edwin Klemm, 43, an English teacher and former speech team coach, said Ann Celine O’Hallaren, assistant DuPage County State's Attorney....Klemm said the first sexual encounter between himself and the student took place in his home, located on the 1100 block of Howard Street in St. Charles. He admitted to six to 10 instances of oral sex to investigators. At least four of these instances took place in a parking lot at County Farm and Geneva roads in Winfield. Investigators interviewed the student just a few days before they spoke to Klemm. In addition to the parking lot encounters, the student said that she and Klemm met in a classroom across the hall from Klemm's main room. The other places Klemm and the student met were in a parking garage for a movie theater in Chicago, and inside of a theater, prosecutors said. In addition to performing oral sex on each other, there was also fondling and vaginal intercourse between Klemm and the student, O’Hallaren said at the bond hearing. The student told investigators that Klemm always wore a condom and practiced safe sex during the encounters.
Wheaton Patch: Ex-Wheaton North Teacher Edwin Klemm Enters Prison System (July 8 2013) Edwin Klemm, 43, formerly of St. Charles, was admitted July 5 to the state's Northern Reception and Classification Center in Joliet, according to the Illinois Department of Corrections ... Klemm pled guilty to two counts of criminal sexual assault on June 26 and received a five-year prison sentence for each count. Klemm in March admitted to having ongoing sexual contact in 2011 with a 16-year-old girl who was a Wheaton North student at the time, prosecutors said. She turned 17 during the course of the encounters. Klemm will be required to serve 85 percent of his sentence before being eligible for parole. He earned 100 days credit for time served so far in the DuPage County Jail, according to the State's Attorney's Office.
Edwin Klemm is listed on the Illinois State Police Sex Offender Registry as a Sexual Predator for the crime of CRIMINAL SEXUAL ASSAULT/VICTIM 13-17. The victim was 17 years of age. The offender was 42 at the time of the offense. The county of conviction was DuPage. www.isp.state.il.us/sor
Edwin Klemm is listed on the Illinois Department of Corrections Inmate Search website as in custody at the Big Muddy Correctional Center. Offense: (2) counts of Crim Sex Aslt/Super Vic 13-17, each carrying a 5 year sentence. Custody Date: 3/19/2013 Admission Date: 7/5/2013 Projected Parole Date: 9/19/2021 Projected Discharge Date: 9/19/2023 www.illinois.gov/idoc > Inmate Search.
Edwin Klemm teaching license revoked. Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). Illinois State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board. 100 North First Street, State Board Room, 4th Floor, Springfield, IL Friday August 2nd, 2013. Business Meeting Minutes. Announcement of Suspensions and Revocations. Pursuant to Section 21B-80 of the School Code, the State Superintendent of Education has revoked the following: Edwin Klemm, Certificate No. 2153786 (Type 09 - Standard, Secondary Teaching). www.isbe.net/SEPLB > Archived Meetings > 2013 > August 2nd, 2013 Minutes > Page 4.
Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS) Public Search Edwin A Klemm License ID # 742147 (PEL) has been revoked. www.isbe.state.il.us/ELIS
Family Taxpayers Foundation Teacher Salary Database 2012 Name: Klemm, Edwin Salary: $63,791 Position: High School Teacher Full/Part Time: Fulltime Percent Time Employed: 100% Assignment: Speech (Grades 9-12 Only) Years Teaching: 12 Degree: Master's School Name: Wheaton North High School District Name: CUSD 200 2011 Name: Klemm, Edwin Salary: $66,846 Position: High School Teacher Full/Part Time: Fulltime Percent Time Employed: 100% Assignment: Speech (Grades 9-12 Only) Years Teaching: 11 Degree: Master's School Name: Wheaton North High School District Name: CUSD 200 www.familytaxpayers.org
The teacher unions that Mr. Klemm belonged to were the Wheaton Warrenville Educational Association (WWEA) local association, Illinois Education Association (IEA) state association, and National Educational Association (NEA) state association. The school district Mr. Klemm was employed by was the Community Unit School District 200 (CUSD 200).