California: Teacher at San Francisco public school ends up homeless due to housing costs

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, May 10, 2017.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    Teacher at San Francisco public school ends up homeless due to housing costs

    With a secure job teaching math at a San Francisco public school, a master’s degree, and even a side gig as a badminton coach and instructor for underserved youth, 35-year-old Etoria Cheeks never imagined that, after moving from Georgia to San Francisco in 2015, she would be homeless and sleeping in shelters. But that’s just what happened. And the city’s housing crisis isn’t the only economic force to blame. As Heather Knight’s piece for the San Francisco Chronicle details, Cheeks, who makes around $65,000 a year, cannot find a place in the city to live. She had been living in ...

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