Arrested Teachers in the News 29 June (Friday)

Discussion in '2012 Daily Arrest Blotters (Archive)' started by TMP, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. TMP

    TMP Himself

    Added a few links to older stories, this is our only new personality for Friday:

    Study abroad:

    The Province: Police actions were appropriate response to ‘bullying, violence’ at rowdy Vancouver protest: VPD spokesman

    According to the Vancouver Sun Sasha Wiley Shaw is "an adult educator and the Vancouver Elementary School Teachers' Association Adult Education Sub-local president"

    Feel free to email Sasha & let her know that spitting on cars is not very becoming of school teacher:

    Genuine Witty: Who Is Sasha Wiley-Shaw And What Is Her Agenda?

    I'd copy more, but I'm getting bored.