Annie Carrière-Coté, Casselman, Ontario, Canada (arrested Oct 2014) [Canadian cougar]

Discussion in 'English-Speaking Countries and Europe' started by News Readers, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    upload_2014-10-10_13-25-17.png upload_2014-10-10_13-22-20.png

    Annie Carrière-Coté (Alfred-Plantagenet, Ontario, Canada), 33, teacher's assistant (éducatrice) at École Secondaire Catholique De Casselman, Casselman, Ontario, "charged ... with sexual assault and sexual exploitation" on teenage boy


    OPP charge female teacher with sexual assault on teenage boy

    Pierre Dubois with the [Ontario Provincial Police] in Hawkesbury ... says the boy’s family came forward with a complaint to the boy’s school in early September which is when the police investigation began. Carrière-Coté was released on a Promise to Appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in L’Orignal on October 22.

    Continue reading...
    Annie Carrière-Coté, Alfred-Plantagenet, Ontario, Canada, École Secondaire Catholique De Casselman, Casselman
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014
  2. TMP

    TMP Himself

    Teacher charged with sex assault of teen boy

    A Casselman-based school teacher is accused of carrying on a sexual relationship with a teen boy for several months ... Police say the woman is a school teacher, but the alleged sexual activity happened outside of a school setting. They say, however, Carriere-Cote was in a `position of trust. Police said the sexual relationship began earlier this year.

  3. TMP

    TMP Himself

  4. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014