We have been given free-will. This sounds to me like a lapse in judgement. Why do people have to judge this person. They should be offering support so she can move past this. We all make mistakes, it's what we do with our lives after a situation that shows whether we have grown. I'm confused, how do the actions of someone now reflect on the school they attended? Many of these posts are completely off the subject. The rantings sound suspiciously like students who have been disciplined by a school, maybe even this one, in the past and are looking for support for slander and gossip.
I also went to school here for 9 years, and I hated every minute of it - BUT that doesn't mean that I had "cold thoughts or weird ideas." Sounds like you need to get some professional help sweetie and talk to your parents about what you're feeling because that's not normal!! It can be a little clique-ish; let's say if you're not as religious as the rest, or your parents don't get into gossiping with the other parents then they can be shunned. But you have to realize that I'm 23 now and more successful then everyone I went to that school with. Their snobby attitude comes from a place of insecurity.
I know this person I know this church I have been going there for years yes Calvary has its problems but its run by man so naturally they will make mistakes god is the only one who is perfect the same argument goes for Amanda she is young and made a mistake as we all do all the time we should love and forgive before approaching with hate so I will stand bye her as her friend completely as I hope she would were I to make a mistake
CBS News: Amanda Brennan, Las Vegas high school teacher, charged with luring a minor, report says (May 14 2013)] Amanda Brennan, 24, reportedly went to the movie theater without him having parental permission. They allegedly exchanged hundreds of text messages in an 8-day period this month. Brennan told police that she loved the student and that she knew the relationship was wrong. According to the station, she also admitted engaging in kissing and cuddling.
Las Vegas Sun: Arrest report: Teacher knew relationship with student ‘was wrong’ (May 14 2013) The relationship between a 24-year-old Las Vegas area high school teacher and a 15-year-old male student involved about 1,000 cell phone text messages over an eight-day period but resulted in them kissing "only two times." That's what it says on the declaration of arrest report for Amanda Brennan, a Foothill High School English teacher who was arrested Friday on two counts of luring a child and one count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The report also says that when Brennan was interviewed after being read her Miranda rights, she told police she did love the boy "and she knew the relationship was wrong."...According to the report, the parents told a police detective they first learned of the relationship Wednesday night when the boy asked if he could go to the movies with some friends his mother didn't know. The mother then talked to the security guard at their residential area, and the guard told her Brennan's name and age. The mother told the detective she and her husband then became "concerned that there may be something more going on." The mother told the detective she and her husband didn't give permission to the teacher to pick up her son and didn't have any knowledge the teacher was taking her son anywhere. They told the detective Brennan picked up the boy about 9 p.m. and then returned him home about 11:45 p.m. – past his 10 p.m. curfew.
RGJ: Nevada teacher accused of romancing teen student (May 14 2013) Foothill High School teacher Amanda Brennan was arrested Friday on suspicion of luring a child and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. She was booked into Clark County Detention Center on $20,000 bail, but wasn’t listed on jail rolls Tuesday. The boy’s parents were tipped off to the possible romance when Brennan picked up the teen at his gated community Wednesday against their wishes, according to a police report. She also reportedly brought the boy back home past curfew.
What is it about this case that is attracting so much attention? I can only think of one other thread that attracted so much attention (and a lot more!) so quickly, and she actually had sex with two her students. These two just kissed & cuddled once or twice, just a movie date with a bad age mismatch, lots of texting but no sexting reported. She needs to get her head screwed on straight & find a guy her own age, but the attention seems way out of proportion to the allegations.
UK Daily Mail: Teacher, 24, busted in 'kissing and spooning only' relationship with her 15-year-old male student (May 15 2013) A 24-year-old high school teacher from Nevada has been arrested for allegedly dating one of her male students - but police do not believe the illicit tryst went beyond kissing. Amanda Brennan, who taught English at Foothill High School in Henderson, told police that she knew it was wrong to carry on a relationship with a teenager, but she loved the boy and did it anyway, according to an arrest report ... He told authorities that he and Brennan loved each other and had kissed twice, although they'd only cuddled in the back of her car on the night he went out without his parents' permission. Officials also found 1,000 text messages between the boy and Brennan's number during a nine-day period before her arrest ... The boy's mother ... called the security guard at their housing complex and requested the name of the person admitted for her home address, who turned out to be Brennan. The boy's parents then pulled their son's iPhone records, which included numerous calls and hundreds of text messages exchanged between the teen and his teacher.
It has to do with the fact that people know her because they went to the same school or church as her. Her family is well known at that church and her family is well known in town in different circles. People are just looking to judge her because of how she grew up. Instead they should be praying for her if they really do claim to be Christians. That being said just because the school is a Christian school doesn't mean all the students that go there act Christian or behave like Christians. I too grew up going to this church. However, just because you don't like a certain food dish at a restaurant doesn't mean you write off the entire restaurant... or maybe it does depending on who you are.
Woah, woah, woah... wait a minute here. You people who are going on with this "Amanda's just young and made a mistake. She should be allowed to make mistakes. Go easy on her..." (expletive deleted) - you would be the first ones to crucify any 24 year old man who was trying to get with a 15 year old girl. Give me a break. Double standard all the way. Amanda deserves the exact same punishment a man would have in her shoes.
Agreed 100%. Too many times female teachers get off with little(but mainly NO) time behind bars while the men spend at least 5 years in prison and are crucified to the fullest extent!!
I agree but people need to step back and take a look at what she's actually done, which isn't much. If you were to take all the female perps in here & sort them base on the severity of what they had done & other factors such as multiple victims & sexting (often = child porn when minors are involved), Amanda Brennan would come out near the bottom. This is a case that's ripe for judicial intervention & diversion. Throwing the book at her isn't the answer.
I started Calvary in 6th grade and yes Calvary has their problems but the brennan family is a great family despite one stupid mistake. I have read all of your problems and concerns and some i agree with and some i dont. But don't judge someone you really dont know. And as far as Calvary goes I was there forever and I didn't turn out terrible.
Fox 5 Vegas: Court delayed for teacher accused of relationship with student (Aug 14 2013) A preliminary hearing was delayed Wednesday for high school teacher accused of having a relationship with one of her students. Amanda Brennan, 24, faces two counts of luring a child and a count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The Foothill High School teacher was arrested on the charges in May. Brennan's hearing was continued to Sept. 17. Brennan was not in court on Wednesday ...
Fox 5 Vegas: Probation for ex-teacher in Vegas teen luring case (Mar 18 2014) A 25-year-old former teacher who pleaded guilty in Las Vegas to romancing a teenage student will have a chance to reduce her felony conviction to a misdemeanor if she completes five years of probation. But Amanda Brennan faces one to four years in prison if she slips and violates probation imposed Tuesday after her Oct. 31 guilty plea to a felony luring a child charge. She also has to register as a sex offender.
CBS Local Las Vegas: Former Teacher Pleads Guilty To Romancing Teenage Student (Mar 18 2014) A 25-year-old former teacher who pleaded guilty to romancing a teenage student is seeking probation and a chance to have her felony sentence reduced to a misdemeanor if she completes terms of her sentence. Amanda Brennan faces a judge Tuesday in state court in Las Vegas after pleading guilty in October to a felony luring a child charge.
Trib Town: Former Henderson teacher sentenced to probation in plea deal in teen student luring case (Mar 18 2014) A former high school English teacher was sentenced Tuesday in Las Vegas to five years of probation for an inappropriate relationship with a teenage student almost a year ago. Amanda Brennan, 25, has a chance to reduce her felony conviction to a misdemeanor if she stays out of trouble. But she also faces one to four years in prison if she slips and violates the sentence imposed after her Oct. 31 guilty plea to felony charge of luring a child with intent to engage in sexual conduct. She also has to register as a sex offender. KOLO TV: Probation for Former Teacher in Teen Luring Case (Mar 18 2014) Elko Daily: Teacher gets probation in teen luring case (Mar 18 2014) 8 News Now: Teacher gets probation in teen luring case (Mar 18 2014) Post-Standard: Las Vegas ex-teacher who admitted she lured boy for sex is sentenced to probation (Mar 19 2014) 8 News Now: Probation for ex-teacher in Las Vegas teen luring case (Mar 19 2014)