Arrested Teachers in the News 8 November (Thursday)

Discussion in '2012 Daily Arrest Blotters (Archive)' started by TMP, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. TMP

    TMP Himself

    Sex abuse, male perps:

    James Chad Green, 36, former band teacher at Bryant High School [Bryant Public Schools], Bryant, Arkansas, "charged with first-degree sexual assault"
    Bryan K. Flanner (Aberdeen, Mississippi), 28, teacher at Advanced Learning Center [Monroe County School District], Becker, Mississippi, "two counts of statutory rape"
    Additional news reports for:
    Other sex stuff:

    William Christopher Wall (170 Carnell Loop, Georgetown, South Carolina), 22, teacher at Waccamaw High School [Georgetown County School District], Pawleys Island, South Carolina, "charged ... with one count of Unlawful Use of a Telephone"
    Additional news reports for:
    Non-sex stuff:

    Alejos Anaya (36xx 31st Street), 34, orchestra teacher at Lubbock High School [Lubbock ISD], Lubbock, Texas, "charged with possession of less than two ounces of marijuana at his home within 1,000 feet of a school zone"
    Stanley Covington, 64, substitute teacher at Normandy Middle School [Normandy School District], Normandy, Missouri, "accused of pulling a knife on a student and threatening him"
    Additional news reports for:
    James Chad Green, Bryant, Arkansas, Bryant High School, Bryant Public Schools, Bryan K. Flanner, Aberdeen, Mississippi, Advanced Learning Center, Monroe County School District, Becker, Alejos Anaya, Lubbock, Texas, Lubbock High School, Lubbock ISD, Stanley Covington, Normandy, Missouri, Normandy Middle School, Normandy School District, William Christopher Wall, Pawleys Island, South Carolina, Georgetown County School District, Waccamaw High School, Georgetown, Christopher A. Summers, St. Henry, Fort Recovery High School, Fort Recovery Local Schools, Fort Recovery, Ohio, Josh Ensley, Tucker, Georgia, Paideia School, Atlanta, Joey Villemez, Pace Academy, William "Joey" Villemez, Smyrna, Yongda Huang Harris, Boston, Massachusetts, Japan